Transfer, getting something from a class experience outside of the classroom and into students lives outside of that classroom, is a messy business.
The scriptures are full of declarative statements. i.e. the answers. it is our job to help our students identify and/or discover all the possible questions that led to the answer. When a student finds and expresses questions associated with the answers given there, pay attention! There is a lot about the student to learn from their questions. Also, Question -> Reflection -> Divine Inspiration!
Sometimes you have to dejunk to make room for more current needs. Giving knowledge away, even valuable knowledge, is one way of making space for God to give you more. Share your ideas freely. Even the great ones.
On my mind? Home, is the place where information can be put into practice, which allows us to make sense of it, through the use of it. Paraphrasing JSB, home, different from many other places, is where knowledge can travel person to person with remarkable ease.
One more. Ryle's argument... "know that" doesn't produce "know how." Bruner's argument..."learning about" doesn't, on it's own, allow you to "learn to be". Information, on it's own, is not enough to produce actionable knowledge. Practice too is required. For practice, it's best to look to a community of practitioners. JSB
These are all wonderful ideals. Thanks for sharing them, they are the great ideas that will make room for new ideas. I am experiencing a re-birth of learning mostly because of the child like excitement I was given as a child.
Homeschooling For The Long Haul... You CAN!
Mark completed his PhD in Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences. Cyndy was a stay at home mom, whose children have excelled. Listen to and trust your children, and they will tell you how. Home school "teachers" often benefit from "inservice" ideas. It's all about the kids, in the end. Send Questions to Cyndy Send Questions to Mark
These are all wonderful ideals. Thanks for sharing them, they are the great ideas that will make room for new ideas. I am experiencing a re-birth of learning mostly because of the child like excitement I was given as a child.
Jonathan Weiss, at 12:16 PM, October 06, 2010
Thanks for your posts. You always leave me much to ponder.
Chari, at 7:27 PM, October 09, 2010
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